The Shit Shifters Society πŸ’©πŸ§ΉπŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌ

Human’ing is hard, AND I’m seeing so many ways that people need support and aren’t receiving it, myself included.

So many of us have been struggling under the weight of how we’re doing, who we are, and what matters most to us in the name of getting through the day.

We’ve all been doing the best we can, and you don’t need to keep going through motions that don’t feel like they’re even yours to begin with.

That’s a shitty feeling, and it’s not the only way life gets to be lived.

The Shit Shifters Society monthly membership helps adults breaking intergenerational cycles go from feeling depleted, isolated, and like a shell of themselves to feeling nourished, supported, and like their full ass selves.

The Vision: A world with more humane relationships so less harm ever has to be repaired

I see far more value in curating membership resources, spaces, and services with the actual needs of its members infusing how it all gets fleshed out. This means each months content will be specific to what you and your fellow shit shifters are navigating as you choose to live life differently than those before you.

Speaking of doing shit differently… “proper” sales pages are a drag at best and manipulative at their worst 🫠

So I’m going to paint a picture for you and you’re encouraged to listen to yourself and what does or doesn’t come through for you

  • when you look back at your life, there are some “Eww, Stu” moments where the adults in your life picked some of the stupidest, inconsiderate, one sided, or even outright fucked up choices they could have made - and you know the cycle of slinging shit from person to person ends with you
  • you already are choosing differently for yourself (yay, go you!) AND those pesky “am I doing enough, am I doing this right?!” thoughts keep creeping in (it’s not you, thoughts be thoughting)
  • sometimes you feel like the next step is hiding somewhere above your pay grade and the easy button hasn’t been delivered on its cushy velvet pillow yet
  • the more you’re shifting the shit that’s not supporting you in life and what doesn’t match up with your current values, the more people you are parting ways with or performing as the old you to be around them
  • life is feeling lonelier and less supported than you thought it would be when you started choosing to do what was best for you and those you love
  • you are hopeful that the world can be a rad place where being yourself is encouraged, safe, life giving - and a key part of how a more joyful, easeful, and humane life happens

If you saw yourself in this life can be more livable edition of “where’s Waldo”, I drew this picture from my own experience, so I’m woof’ing with you

I also don’t believe in poking people just to poke them, I’d much rather hype you up!

So while all the muck above is totally valid, there’s also some fucking amazing feats that come with saying yes to creating your own cycles and seasons of adulting:

  • Naming, normalizing, and navigating shit as it’s actually going down, no longer having to act like “everything’s fine”, frees up a lot of energy and fucks to give where you actually want them to go
  • the people who remain in or enter your life will actually share similar values and a vision for life that lifts you up, not put you down
  • as you get more comfortable being a shit shifter, your perspective shifts, and there’s room to see that yes there’s a lot of work to do, AND it’s not all yours to do and especially not alone and all at once
  • you finally where the shirt your upper arms show in, you order what you really want to eat off the menu, you believe what the children in your life have to say, you feel the magic in the little moments like pulling up to a parking meter with just enough time left for you to run in and redeem your coffee coupon - and whatever else looks and feels like a life with more ease, joy, and connection 

If any of this feels like a warm plate of cookies, hearing that song you forget the title of but dance your heart out to, or like seeing someone you actually want to see while in public and you get to do the slow motion run hug - you just might love being a Shit Shifters Society member

And if any or all of that felt like a “absolutely fucking not” then that’s great to know - you can grandly go about your day elsewhere

So what can you expect as a Shit Shifter:

I know I will be bringing my full ass self to the space, including my rad ADHD brain, decades of mentorship experience, intuition as an energetic practitioner, learned wisdom of Human Design, and my proprietary and one of a kind embodied improvisation process to equip and inspire you to be your full ass self too.

Logistically this looks like:

  • monthly prompts, trainings, and/or resources that are designed to be quick to review and actually implementable in your day to day life
  • monthly energy forecasts to support you in prioritizing the needs of your body, spirit, and mind as you adult 
  • monthly community calls to offer group coaching and pal connection because the work we’re choosing to do as cycle breakers is really a practice of humane relationship building

Feeling the weight of being the only person in your family, friend groups, and networks who is doing the hard work of healing from your past and choosing not to pass your pain along to others?

If there’s something I continue to learn in life, it’s that trying to make change on your own is lonely.

This Winter’s SSS theme is “Hygge Hibernation For Humanity - A Guided Sensory Reset to Sustain Your Resistance and Repair Harm”

So I’d love for you to join me as a Winter season member of the Shit Shifters Society. 

6 Modules

The Inside Scoop 🍨 for Shit Shifters πŸ’© 🧹

Welcome to THE SHIT SHIFTERS SOCIETY 🥳🫣🧚‍♀️💩🧹😆

Leo Season 2023

Now that we’re romping around on our emotional staircases, we have more room for the feel good moment in life.

Virgo Season 2023

Now that you’re speaking a magical Synclarities language with your spirit squad, grounding into the more mundane aspects of your day to day life brings the extra boost of I’ve got this” that’ll get you through the upcoming season change (it’s almost fall, y’all!)

Libra Season 2023

After last months energy was rocky and destabilizing for most of us, we lean into the balancing energy of Libra to reassess what is still on our plate and see what might still need yeeted to the floor (cute kitty paw swat style)

Scorpio Season 2023

With a clearer sense of what we really want to prioritize in our day to day life, it’s time to practice vulnerability on our own terms as we implement our reframed approach to boundaries.

Modules for this product 6
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 Winter 2023 Shit Shifter
 $44.44 USD  ( then $44.44 USD a month )

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