Live More. Fake Being Fine Less.

Welcome to Improviding Life, where we explore how life can be more livable - through embodying improvisational comedy!

I’m Lori Love, your Inner Parent Pal and Fairy Grant Mentor who loves supporting intergenerational cycle breakers as they reparent their inner parent and navigate the grant writing process to receive funding for their projects that dare to make the world a more livable and humane place

If Adulting on Autopilot has you feeling depleted, isolated, and like a shell of yourself, then Improviding Life can help you feel nourished, supported, and like your full ass self

Breaking intergenerational cycles of harm is HARD, so why not do it together!

Our free and paid programs will empower you to name, normalize, and navigate the weight of the world on your shoulders so you can access more ease and choice in your day to day life allowing you to live life reconnected to what and who matters most to you

Whether you’re keeping small humans alive, helping an elder neighbor grocery shop, or trying to remember when you last watered your plants - I’ve got your back

Life Gets To Be More Livable, And You Can Access Support Via:

Available Products

Live More with Lori

Live More with Lori is a two week long 1:1 Inner Parent reparenting and Human Design embodiment play date where we get curious about what isn’t working in your life

*Cue the motions of adulting*

And explore the practices that make living a whole lot livelier for you

The real prize - not having to go through it alone!

So if you want to go from FML (f*ck my life) to LML (living my life), Live More with Lori is for you

Yes, And Yesterday

Yes, and Yesterday (YAY) is an embodiment course equipping you with easeful practices to shift the weight of your day as its happening so you wake up with more capacity to adult humanely tomorrow.

Wake Up Willingly 🔆🌈🌀

If you’ve ever wondered if “the right side of the bed” existed, and if you, yes you, could ever wake up on it - Wake Up Willingly might be for you. Yes, an easy button would be great, AND you may not need one after you explore how to fill your energy cup before your feet ever hit the floor each day. 

Synclarities Starter Kit

Mainstream manifestation practices tend to be problematic, bypassing the reality you’re experiencing and rooted in materialistic comparison.

The Synclarities Starter Kit equips you with an easeful and personalizable embodiment practice for spiritual connection and energetic abundance.

I’ve created a notion template for you to not only learn how to practice synclarities but also have a place to explore with your own spirit squad!

The Face Your Feelings Friendsy

The Face Your Feelings Friendsy offers you playful ways to check in with yourself in less than 5 minutes a day so you can easefully uncover how you’re really doing while life is life’ing. This Friendsy helps you begin to put words to your day to day adulting experience and befriend your feelings as indicators of your deeper needs, desires, and wants. 

Body, Bottle, Breast Digest: The Baby Feeding and Parent Refueling Pocket Pal

The Body, Bottle, Breast Digest: The Baby Feeding and Parent Refueling Pocket Pal is the useful postpartum and parenthood companion journal to help lessen the mental load of the fourth trimester and offer greater support in navigating postpartum life with more ease as you address your baby’s needs, take good care of yourself, and remember all the things parenthood brings - one month at a time. If you're a parent or caregiver of babies or toddlers or if you know someone who is, this pocket pal is for you and them!

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